


"If anything; amxnradio feels like an experiment––

just trying new things amongst old things; and then trying again––and again, until something catches... something like wind, or a spark, or a half-decent tune –– or whatever frankenstein-like, big-friendly-monster finds itself assembled into an actual-being out of the best parts i could muster together of the tid-bits i could find––into something otherwise known as a song.

music to pray to; prayers to music to;

it feels like a willingness to make good mistakes in the desire to see what redemptive beauty or beast can be derived from both the creative and emotional ashes of failure, and heart-break, and perseverance, and trust––experiments in worship; and curiosity; and perhaps a little bit of craft and a dash of surrender; maybe even obedience amongst the wistful escape if it all––that all(in)all feels more like a perilous deep-dive into the great unknown than any kind of noble venture in pragmatic-art. The first words i ever wrote for the project kinda sum it up best;

“music like a wall of mistakes; words like a spray~paint mural”

at minimum; like God, these songs seek to be redemptive––songs about heaven and earth; and the dying~space~in~between –– (otherwise known as life).

or maybe just songs, like prayers, like streams~of~consciousness~ trying~to~make~sense~of~the~madness~of~life~as~we~know~it~on ~this~little~blue~machine~we~call~earth~and~time~and~breath~ and~death~and~faith~and~hope~and~love~and~light~and~mystery~and~the~profound~foolishness~of~everything/n othing~and~something~someone~like~God?

if nothing else; they’re songs written mostly late into the night that felt like little glimpses of hope in the midst of some really long and dark days. Like midnight-hymns chasing ‘the first hint of light on a blackened horizon’. at the very least; that’s what they’ve become for me; and if nothing else, that's what i pray––(amxn)––they might serve to become now for others.

at its embryonic-start; i went back to making music like no-one will ever hear it, and it felt like freedom––it was healing and life-giving and joyfully-hard, and i loved it again––and on the other side––it kinda felt like maybe they exist in the world now for somebody, anybody out there to find, and love or despise or embrace or pass by––and either way, that’s ok––

so i'm just gonna leave them here, and if having been born and released into the world they grow a life of their own, may they be redemptive monsters that hELp more than they take; if nothing else, my prayer is it feels like music for the journey; a soundtrack to the mystery of existence between here and there; best listened to ‘on the way’; and if somehow, someway u made it this far––thanks for listening :) "

- Joel Houston